It was more fun than I thought it would ever be, and SO SO much more messy than I ever thought as well!
It started at 9, but as there were so many people, we only started running at about 9.20 as they were only letting a certain amount of people start at once. The vibe was amazing! Everyone was so pumped up, they were blaring funky songs, throwing out freebies, conga lines and so much more!
There is a colour station every 1km that you run through where there are people with colour guns and powder just lashing it out at you. We went through Pink, Yollow, then at the water station were people throwing green water, then orange, blue then the finish.
The finish was the best part! They had a stage with music and seemed like a concert as everyone was around the stage having loads of fun. They were throwing colour packages off the stage and every so often they would have a countdown and everyone would throw their colour into the air! Was very cool!
See the pics!! :)
Wow, This looks fun. I added it to my bucket list. :)